Helmet: proper ice hockey style helmets with a valid CSA sticker
Shield/Mask: all players under the age of 18 must wear full face protection
Mouthguard: optional
Shoulder Pads: recommended for U8 players but optional for inline hockey
Elbow Pads: ice hockey style elbow pad
Gloves: standard ice hockey style gloves
Girdle: usually consists of hip, tailbone and thigh pads built into a compression style short (may also contain built-in athletic cup/Jill)
Athletic Cup/Jill: recommended for all players
Shin Guards: ice hockey style shin guards *no soccer shin guards*
Hockey Pants: full length inline pants (waist to ankle), or ice hockey pants with socks, to cover all padding are required
Skates: hockey style roller blade with indoor rated wheels *no brakes on the back*
Stick: standard ice hockey style stick *no plastic blades*
Jersey: the league will supply a game jersey for the season for youth teams only
Bag: any type of sports bag
If you have any questions please email: info@winnipeginline.com